Program of the International Folklore festival MYJAVA 2023

The Trnovce Amphiteater
Friday, 16 June 2023
- SLÁVNOSTNÉ OTVORENIE MFF 2023 | Opening Ceremony of IFF MYJAVA 2023
8.00 pm Authors: V. Feriancová, E. Čmelová. Performers: Javorinka (Miškech Dedinka) and Kopaničiarik (Myjava) - DEDIČSTVO NÁRODOV* | The Heritage of the Nations
8.50 pm Programme of the foreign groups. Authors: K. Babčáková, L. Konečná. Performers: folk groups from South Korea, Nepal, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Czech Republic - ŽIVOTOM AKO ROKOM TANEČNÝM KROKOM
10.20 pm Programme by folk groups from Myjava region. Authors: P. Mezei, R. Madluška.
Performers: Kopaničiarik, Kopaničiar, Kopa (Myjava), Kýčer (Turá Lúka), Brezová (Brezová pod Bradlom)
Saturday, 17 June 2023
- SÚŤAŽ O CENU SAMKA DUDÍKA | Competition for the prize of Samko Dudík
4.00 pm Competition of folk music groups for the prize of famous Myjavas violinist. Author: S. Smetana. Performers: Heskovci (Červeník), Leváranek (Leváre), Trnafčán (Trnava), Krajinská muzika (Krajné), POLUN (Stará Turá), Furmani (Nitra), Kopaničiar (Myjava), Frendz Bojs (Skalica), Technik (Bratislava) and citarový súbor Dió héj (Sládkovičovo) - SEMIAČKA Z TEKOVA | The Seeds from Tekov Region
5.40 pm Regional programme of Tekov. Author: Ž. Magátová. Performers: Tekovanček, Tekovan (Starý Tekov), Praslica (Kozárovce), Trnky and Čiľejkári (Tlmače) - SLAMIENKÁR | The Straw Weaver
7.00 pm Documentary about the last folk producer of straw trugs and baskets Jan Patinka from Vrbovce. Director: Marek Janičík - TANCUJE CELÁ MYJAVA | The whole Myjava is dancing
7.30 pm Dance workshop for everyone. Teacher: A. Lincke - PRIATELIA NA MYJAVE* | Friends in Myjava
7.40 pm Programme by foreign groups. Authors: K. Babčáková, L. Konečná. Performers: groups from South Korea, Nepal, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Czech Republic - PRI MĽINE | Beside Flour-mill
8.40 pm Programme by the winners of the folk-dance competitions from the 2022 year. Authors: A. Krausová, S. Ondejka. Performers: Šaľan (Šaľa), Ruthenia (Bratislava), Považan (Považská Bystrica), Mladosť (Banská Bystrica), Čerhovčan (Bardejov), M. Baštáková and P. Gecelovský - ZNOVUZRODENIE | Rebirth
10.10 pm Programme by folk groups. Author: L. Franická Macková. Performers: Nadšenci, Trenčan (Trenčín), Otava (Nové Mesto nad Váhom), Máj (Piešťany), Reminiscencie (Skalica) and M. Beňo (Bolešov)
Sunday, 18 June 2023
- STRÍCO ČRÍPKAR IDÚ! | Uncle Sharder Goes!
2.00 pm Programme by children folk groups. Author: V. Hajdučíková. Performers: Kobylka, Vienok, Hájenka, Prvosienka (Bratislava), Magdalénka (Modra) and the soloists from the dance group Staré vínko (Strážnica) - TANCUJE CELÁ MYJAVA | The whole Myjava is dancing
3.30 pm Dance workshop for everyone. Teacher: A. Lincke - ČRIEPKY | Shards
3.40 pm Closing gala program and ending of the festival. Authors: V. Feriancová, L. Konečná. Performers: fine groups and soloists from individual programs from the festival
The Small Town MY-A-VY
Friday, 16 June 2023
- KUCHYŇA STARÝCH MATERÍ | The Cuisine of our Grandmothers
6.30 pm Traditional food tasting. Authors: V. Feriancová, L. Oršulová - JAKO STRÝCO HRUŠKA ZE ŠČEFÁNOM VODU VYNÚRALI | The Story About how Uncle Hruška with Stephan Find out the Water
7.00 pm Entertainment by the Korbáč theatre from Myjava. Authors: V. Verner a J. Madluška - TANEČNÁ ŠKOLA | Dance Workshop
7.45 pm Dances from Kubrá. Teachers: O. a M. Mišíkovci. Music: ĽH P. Michaličku - KOŠTOVKA PÁLENÉHO | Schnapps Tasting
9.00 pm Schnapps tasting competition.Implementation: J. Obuch. Performers: O. Lančarič, M. Dinžíková, S. Sedláková. Music: Krajnanská muzika (Krajné) - ĽUDOVÁ ZÁBAVA | Folk Dance Gathering
11.00 pm – 03.00 am Prepared by: P. Obuch. Music: ĽH Poľana (Brno, ČR)
Saturday 17, June 2023
- KUCHYŇA STARÝCH MATERÍ | The Cuisine of our Grandmothers
2.00 pm Traditional food tasting. Authors: V. Feriancová, L. Oršulová - MASJÉLKO | Butter
2.30 pm Commented interactive show of butter making. Author: J. Obuch. Performers: M. Dinžíková and S. Sedláková - DETSKÉ MY-A-VY | Children's MY-A-VY
3.00 pm Creative workshops for children at the gingerbread cottage. Author: J. Jelínková. Implementation: Ľ. Boorová, D. Lišková Zemanová, D. Pridalová - KDE BOLO, TAM BOLO | Once upon a time
3.00 pm Storytelling of a folk fairy tale about Matej, who saved a forest for the people, in the yard of the gingerbread cottage. Author: J. Jelínková. Performer: A. Hradská - ŠKOLIČKA TANCA PRE DETI | Dance Workshop for Children
3.45 pm Folk dance workshop for children at the gingerbread cottage. Author: A. Hradská, Performers: Kostolánček (Kostolné) and M. Černek - FOLKLÓRNA ŠKOLA MRAVOV STODOLA | Folklore School of Manners
4.00 pm Maľované svetlom – traditional folk costume: from the field of the research to the propagation. Performers: P. Obuch, L. Franická Macková, Ženy z Muzičky (Bratislava) and ĽH Petra Obucha (Piešťany) - COPY A COPKY | Braids
4.45 pm Making the traditional girl´s hairstyles at the gingerbread cottage. Implementation: M. Čeligová - TANEČNÁ ŠKOLA | Dance Workshop
5.30 pm Dances from Lubina and Kozárovce villages. Teachers: L. Konečná, L. Konečník, B. Morongová and F. Morong. Music: ĽH Petra Obucha (Piešťany) - ŠKOLIČKA SPEVU PRE DETI | Singing Workshop for Children
5.45 pm Children singing at the gingerbread cottage. Implementation: A. Hradská - POĎTE, DETI, MEDZI NÁS! | Come, Children, Join us!
6.15 pm Rhymes, riddles and children's games at the gingerbread cottage. Implementation: A. Hradská - TANCUJE CELÁ MYJAVA | The whole Myjava is dancing
7.30 pm Dance workshop for everyone. Teacher: A. Lincke - O MIJAFSKÍ KOSJÉREK ALEBO KOŠTOFKA TANEČNÝCH SCHOPNOSTÍ | Dance Competition "O Mijafskí kosjérek"
7.40 pm Comparing the dancing skills of competing dancers. Authors: B. Morongová and F. Morong. Music: ĽH Petra Obucha (Piešťany) - PREDVEĎ SA! | Present yourself!
9.15 pm "Vydupané kolo" is a place for everyone who knows... Author: j. Pakosová - ĽUDOVÁ ZÁBAVA | Folk Dance Gathering
11.00 pm – 03.00 am Prepared by: P. Obuch. Music: ĽH Nadšenci (Trenčín)
Sunday, 18 June 2023
- KUCHYŇA STARÝCH MATERÍ | The Cuisine of our Grandmothers
11.00 am Traditional food tasting. Authors: V. Feriancová, L. Oršulová - JAKO STRÝCO HRUŠKA ZE ŠČEFÁNOM VODU VYNÚRALI | The Story About how Uncle Hruška with Stephan Find out the Water (reprise)
11.30 am Entertainment by the Korbáč theatre from Myjava. Authors: V. Verner a J. Madluška - FOLKLÓRNA ŠKOLA MRAVOV STODOLA | Folklore School of Manners (reprise)
12.15 pm Maľované svetlom – traditional folk costume: from the field of the research to the propagation. Performers: P. Obuch, L. Franická Macková, ĽH Petra Obucha (Piešťany) - DETSKÉ MY-A-VY | Children's MY-A-VY
12.30 pm Creative workshops for children at the gingerbread cottage. Author: J. Jelínková. Implementation: Ľ. Boorová, D. Lišková Zemanová, D. Pridalová - KDE BOLO, TAM BOLO | Once upon a time (reprise)
12.30 pm Storytelling of a folk fairy tale about Matej, who saved a forest for the people, in the yard of the gingerbread cottage. Author: J. Jelínková. Performer: A. Hradská - POĎTE, DETI, MEDZI NÁS! | Come, Children, Join us!
1.15 pm Rhymes, riddles and children's games at the gingerbread cottage. Implementation: A. Hradskáň - LUBINANCI NA TANCI | People from Lubina at a dance gathering
1.30 pm Memorial speaking dedicated to the folk movement in Lubina-Miškech Dedinka. Implementation: V. Feriancová. Performers: A. Cáfalová, V. Feriancová, V. Harušťák, M. Chudík a V. Janeka - COPY A COPKY | Braids
2.15 pm Making the traditional girl´s hairstyles at the gingerbread cottage. Implementation: M. Čeligová - VYHRÁVANIE V MESTEČKU | Music in the small town
2.30 pm Folk music concert. Implementation: J. Pakosová, L. Oršulová - ŠKOLIČKA SPEVU PRE DETI | Singing Workshop for Children
3.15 pm Children singing at the gingerbread cottage. Implementation: A. Hradská - ŠKOLIČKA TANCA PRE DETI | Dance Workshop for Children
4.05 pm Folk dance workshop for children at the gingerbread cottage. Author: A. Hradská, Performers: Kostolánček (Kostolné) and M. Černek
Area in front of the restaurant
Friday, 16 June 2023
6.30 – 8.30 pm and 11.00 – 01.00 am Prepared by: P. Obuch. Music: Piešovská muzika (Bolešov)
Saturday, 17 June 2023
- HRIŠČO | Playground
2.00 – 8.00 pm Historical games, fair attractions and minifarm. Author: E. Čmelová - BÁBKOVÉ DIVADLO | Puppet theatre
2.30, 3.00, 5.30, 7.00 pm Performing: Divadlo z domčeka.
Sunday, 18 June 2023
- HRIŠČO | Playground
10.00 am – 3.00 pm Historical games, fair attractions and minifarm. Author: E. Čmelová - BÁBKOVÉ DIVADLO | Puppet theatre
10.00, 10.30 am, 2.00 pm Performing: Divadlo z domčeka.
Other programmes, accompanying events and exhibitions
Wednesday, 14 June 2023
- Martin Martinček – the poet of Liptov – SNM – Museum SNR in Myjava
4.00 pm Vernissage of an exhibition. Photographic exhibition will introduce a part of masters creation connected to the "his" Liptov. Author: D. Ferklová, SNM – EM Martin. Exhibiton is until 3 September 2023 - EN-TEN-TÍČKI – M. R. Štefánik square in Myjava
9.00 – 11.00 am Traditional games for children from schools in Myjava. Authors: E. Čmelová and M. Duga
Thursday, 15 June 2023
- EN-TEN-TÍČKI – M. R. Štefánik square in Myjava
9.00 – 11.00 am Traditional games for children from schools in Myjava. Authors: E. Čmelová and M. Duga - Reception of foreign groups – Gazdovský dvor Turá Lúka
4.00 pm Welcome party for the groups joined with dance workshop
Friday, 16 June 2023
- MAĽOVANÉ SVETLOM | Painted by Light– front areal, Trnovce
Exhibition of fine art photographs of the traditional costumes from Myjava region by the photographer Matúš Horváth. Authors: L. Franická Macková, P. Obuch - VEĽKÝ SVET MALÝM ĽUĎOM* | Big world for small people – KD of Samko Dudík
10.00 am Programme by foreign folk groups for schools. Authors: K. Babčáková, L. Konečná
Saturday, 17 June 2023
- JARMEK POT MIJAFSKÚ VEŽU | A Fair below Myjava's tower – Square of M. R. Štefánik
9.00 am Programme connected with the selling and presenting of folk products. Authors: V. Feriancová, J. Jelínková. Performers: DH Myjavci (Myjava), accordionists from Myjava and Prietrž - JAVISKO NA RÍNKU | Stage on a Suqare – Square of M. R. Štefánik
9.00 am A performance by the festival groups. Author: E. Čmelová. Performers: DH Mofém (Maďarsko), DH Myjavci, Myjavské heligónky, DFS Kopaničiarik, ĽH FS Kopa a J. Hargaš (Myjava) and other - PREHLIADKA KROJOV | Parade in Folk Costumes – Square of M. R. Štefánik
10.30 am A parade of the performers through the town Myjava. Implementation: E. Čmelová - MUSICA SLOVACA – Evangelic church
11.00 am Folk music as an inspiration for the work of Slovak composers. Authors: J. Kružliak ml., A. Lukáčová. Performers: Spectrum Quartett, Nogaband, Ženy z Muzičky (Bratislava), ŽSSk Ulijanky (Nitra) and M. Beňo (Bolešov) - REMESLO MÁ ZLATÉ DNO | Handcraft has golden base – front areal, Trnovce
2.00 pm Craft workshops for children and adults. Implementation: L. Konečná, Z. Bieliková - MUZIKANTSKÉ PÓDIUM | Stage for musicians – small scene
3.45 pm Free performance of the festival music, singers and bands. Implementation: P. Obuch, J. Pakosová
Saturday, 17 June 2023
- Handcraft has golden base – front areal, Trnovce
10.00 am Craft workshop for children and adults. Prepared by L. Konečná a Z. Bieliková
We reserve the right to change the programme
* The representation of foreign countries at the festival may change due to geopolitical situation and other organizational reasons.
° In case of unfavourable weather, the scenic programmes will take place in Sport Centre and Community Centre of Samko Dudík.
° By entering the festival area you consent to the creation of photographic, audio and video recording of this event made by the organizers and its contract partners which will be used for archival, professional, promotional and advertising purposes.
Friday, 16 June 2023 – Adults 15 €/ half-price 7 €, visitors younger than 6 and older than 70 for free
Saturday, 17 June 2023 – Adults 20 €/ half-price 10 €, visitors younger than 6 and older than 70 for free
Sunday, 18 June 2023 – Adults 15 €/ half-price 7 €, visitors younger than 6 and older than 70 for free
Accommodation for visitors will be provided in the Sport Centre at Marečkova street (WC, showers). Price: 4,- €/person/day. I tis necessary to bring a roll mat and sleeping bag. For more information, please call +421 918 831 395.
° We recommend to use a shuttle service from Myjava to Trnovce. The use of umbrellas is forbidden during the programme at the amphitheatre.